S.No. | Idiom | Equivalent Hindi | Meaning | Example |
1. | Great cry and little wool | ऊँची दुकान फीका पकवान | ज्यादा चिल्लाने वाली भेड़ जो कम ऊन देती है | After a lot of calls to that hotel, receptionist attended one; the hotel is like great cry and little wool. |
2. | A drop in the ocean. | ऊँट के मुँह में जीरा | समुद्र में एक बूँद | Whatever you give to the poor, it is like a drop in the ocean of poverty problem; we need to solve it in some different way. |
3. | Diamond cuts diamond. | काँटे से काँटा निकलता है । | हीरा हीरे को काटता है । | You need some wordplayers to reply to wordplay of opposition; after all, diamond cuts diamond, you know. |
4. | To Go in vain | खोदा पहाड़ निकली चुहिया | व्यर्थ जाना | They created whole the building but their effort went in vain as they came to know that the land was planned for a road. |
5. | When in Rome do as Romans do. | जैसा देश वैसा वेश | जब रोम में हो तो वैसा ही करो जैसा रोमन लोग करते हैं । | We need our government in all states, by hook or crook. |
6. | Burnt child dreads the fire. | दूध का जला छाछ भी फूँक-फूँककर पीता है । | एक बार जला हुआ बच्चा आग से डरने लगता है । | We did not ask the injured player to play in difficult situation, because a burnt child dreads the fire. |
7. | Between two stools one comes to the ground. | धोबी का कुत्ता न घर का न घाट का | दो स्टूलों पर चढ़कर जमीन पर आ जाते हैं । | Our political leader changed the party and lost election next time; indeed, between two stools one comes to the ground. |
8. | To run at a snail's pace | नौ दिन चले अढाई कोस | घोंघे की चाल से चलना | Government made a good plan for area's development but beurocrats are executing it at a snail's pace. |
9. | A day after the fair. | ब्याह पीछे बारात | मेले के एक दिन बाद पहुँचना ( काम में देर कर देना)। | They prepared an electronic system to control the crowd but it was supplied a day after the fair. |
10. | To turn deaf ears on someone's words | किसी के शब्दों पर कान न देना | कान नहीं देना | Defence Minister had warned the village of the attack, but village head turned deaf ears on his words. |
11. | Bramble brings forth thorns only. | बोये पेड़ बबूल का आम कहाँ से होय । | जैसा कर्म करते हैं वैसा ही फल मिलता है । | He did not teach good manners to his children; and now children are mistreating him; bramble brings forth thorns only. |
यदि आपको ये लेख पसन्द आया हो और आप ऐसे ही मनोरंजक लेख आगे भी पढ़ना चाहते हों तो सब्स्क्राइब बटन दबाएँ ।